WannaCry Ransomware |Virus
P lease be informed that there are cyber threats and hacking attempts going on by a virus called (WannaCry Ransomware), which is a malicious program that affects smart phones and computers, and encrypts their data or systems and locks them so that they cannot be accessed, except after payment of money. So we would like to advise all colleagues to refrain from opening, downloading or clicking on any suspicious link or email from any unfamiliar or unknown sources. Suspicious emails may also come in the form of senders you know and trust, therefore, it is recommended that you have to confirm with the sender before you start downloading or interacting with the content of the email. Be aware of this mails @Please_Read_Me@.txt @WanaDecryptor@.exe @WanaDecryptor@.exe.lnk !WannaDecryptor!.exe.lnk 00000000.pky 00000000.eky 00000000.res C:\WINDOWSystem32\taskdl.exe Please Read Me!.txt (Older variant) C:\WINDOWS\tasksche.exe C:\WINDOWS\qeriuwjhr...
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